Sunday, September 6, 2009


Sophomore22...well u may be thinking, what the hell this word is.
So let me tell u that it is an adjective that i use for a guy who is a sophisticated moron that gets in catch-22 condition every now and then...

And to add in your pleasure that guy is no one other than I...yes i am a moron...I don't knw whether people make me to feel like that or........But i can't deny that i m a MORON and i always mess up the things.Damned if i do,damned if i don't.I always wanted the things right for me n for others too; but i never got them right...

It may be possible that other recognize me as sophomore because i always considered EQ rather than IQ while making relationships. Or may be because a single mistake i make get noticed and i am never given the chance to correct it! If i ignore a number of mistakes of others than its okay, but with me, same should not be applied!! I m moron because i die for relationships every moment but i cant express the feelings; Is it necessary to express all the feelings? If they say that they are too close to me, then y don't they understand my feelings!!? ... why am i always get blamed? I m moron because i want to go against done things, i want to change trends... I m moron because i dumped rigid education system and i have my own protocols... There is another reason too, why they call me moron n that is i love my country! Is it a sin? oops i forget dat i m sophisticated too! thts why they want dat i should improve...isn't it funny??

But i tell u i really love what i m... i never feel like improving n why should i! I love what i m.. I love to be moron and i love to get in catch-22 conditions; then y should i improve?? i love myself n i love others.. i really dont need to express my feelings. the day they will understand me, they will feel my feelings too... n i m waiting for that day n i ll always be waiting for that day my friends... till that i would love to be sophomore22 :)

I think i got too senti. sorry for that... enough for today... take care. bye...